Why did Ted Cruz donate $125,000 to Lauren Boebert after they met in Aspen - and encourage her to run for Congress? Lauren Boebert was an unlicensed escort in 2019 with 4 previous arrests, no college degree, 2 previous abortions, and no political experience whatsoever. What I do know is that it doesn’t matter because she’s a career criminal who beat her sex-offender husband and gave an illegal tour of the Capitol. I do not know if this story about how Lauren Boebert was an escort and had two abortions is true. Why didn’t Boebert report these fundraising ties to Ted Cruz to the Federal Election Commission in 2020?īeing an escort and having abortions are the only inoffensive things Lauren Boebert has ever done. Why did Ted Cruz donate $136,000 to Lauren Boebert’s campaign in 2020?
I don’t care that Lauren Boebert worked as an escort or that she had multiple abortions, I care that she’s a shameless fucking hypocrite. Good morning and welcome to the “Point out Lauren Boebert is a reprehensible hypocrite without shaming sex workers or people who get abortions” challenge Now Available: Getting Cawthorned, Season 2.