In a nutshell is a series where GG takes random things from Splatoon, and memes it up. Stream Highlights are short 10min videos where GG cuts clips out from his streams and gets the funniest parts to put into these videos. Make them as gay as you wish Yes, we have rainbows. Splatoon Briefs are the REALLY short meme videos which GG edits to have Splatoon content. Please dont discriminate against anyone, we dont take discrimination lightly here. Find, rate and share the best memes and images. I had no video ideas for the longest, so here's some splatoon clips that were collecting space and cobwebs in my switch. In a Reddit post titled Im a homophobe and my son is gay, the anonymous parent confessed to trying to.Īll LGBTQ+ members (or straight supporters) are welcome to follow the stream.
Splatoon Shorts are where GG compiles community created clips and publishes them into short, minute videos. He make splatoon 2 very funy and dumb via 'educational' videos.